The Other Way (instrument re-edit)

About twenty years ago, I wrote my first musical number. Out of everything I ever written, including the ones that I collaborated with my band mates, this will always be my favorite one. Hopefully one day I can get into the studio to record this with our former singer Brittany, she did such a great job putting her vocals to this musical number. Enjoy 😊

Quick Drawing

It’s early, besides work, what else am I supposed to do? Here’s a quick combo drawing I did on a piece of paper and my phone, nice way to get the morning started. I might fine tune it later in illustrator.

Restoring an old picture of my Uncle

I’m surprised I never seen this image of my Uncle before. I think I did a pretty good job in photoshop on restoring the image back to its glory. The guy on the right is my Uncle, he’s the reason why I wanted to play the guitar. I miss the days when we would see each other during the holidays and we did nothing but talk about guitars. If we had time he would show me some different chord progressions, boring to most people but not to us.

Chicago Marathon 2022

I was kinda disappointed this morning that I didn’t win a lottery spot for next years Chicago Marathon but I’m going to run it anyways. I know I said I wouldn’t run it again unless I won a lottery spot, I’m raising money for a good cause so win win! Once I get all the information from Team Paws, I will put the link here so anyone can donate. I can’t wait to run The Chicago Marathon next year.


Good Morning! I always like looking at old sketches, I haven’t seen this particular sketchbook in seven years. It’s fun to go back and see if you can add anything to the drawing. Plus it helps me with ideas for what I want to draw next.

Local Coffee Shop Artist Submission

I stop by my local coffee shop the other day and I notice that they have artwork hanging on their wall and I asked them can anyone submit artwork? I was surprised that they said yes, long story short, I gave them a couple of my paintings to be displayed. I gave them a price and I told them if it sells keep it but they said no, they said you put time and effort in your work and I should get something. It was nice of them to offer that, the biggest thrill I get is creating the work then selling it. If you are ever in the Tinely Park area, stop by Pekoe & Bean (17028 Oak Park Ave. Tinley Park, IL 60477) great coffee, and the staff is awesome.

Midlothian Music (banner)

I went into Midlothian Music today to show the owner some ideas I had for him and he wanted me to make some tweaks but he basically like what I was coming up with. We were talking a bit and we both brought up the logo and John kept saying how he loved the logo for his store. I’m a person that doesn’t get praises a lot, but I don’t seek it out either. It felt good that John liked my logo for his store, it feels like I’m doing something right for once. As I was walking out, I saw their banner advertising their other guitars they have but it was the logo that caught my eye. Definitely put a smile on my face.

Sketch Wallet(lost)

The few things that I created in my sketch wallet, it still bums me out that someone broke into my car and stole my wallet this past August. Here’s a few drawings that I could find on my phone. I know they just toss the wallet to the side once they got the credit cards and the money. I still can’t believe that this happened to me, it could of been much worse and that’s the thing that scares me the most, it could of been much worse.

Freelance Gig

Its funny, today I just stop by my local mom and pop guitar store to pick up some strings and the owner asked if I wanted to do some more artwork for him, I’m like hell yeah! Whatever I can do to support local businesses, I’m going to do it. I rather see them thrive than the big chains. The image down below is the logo I did for him a few years back, I’m happy he still uses it.

Lets go for another round

I have to come back and finish this painting at a later date. I did too much, probably should of left it alone but it needed something. If you zoom in, you can see the texture in the painting. I think you have to see the painting up close to have a better idea what I was aiming for (If you look at the last painting, I think I finished it).

Texture added to the painting

Texture added to the painting

First painting attempt

First painting attempt

Digital drawing, what I wanted the painting to look like.

Digital drawing, what I wanted the painting to look like.



Hope, shining through.

Hope, shining through.

Another round

Trying to get this painting as close as the digital drawing. It’s a little tough to convert a digital drawing into a painting.



Digital drawing

Digital drawing

Quick Drawing

Heres a quick drawing I just did, another peaceful moment. I wonder if I can do this as a painting? It reminds me of Van Gogh.

Applied image, meaning  one image on top of the other.

Applied image, meaning one image on top of the other.

Regular drawing without any alterations.

Regular drawing without any alterations.

2am Painting

Good morning! Here’s another 2am painting. I actually like painting before the new day starts, its nice to relax and look up into the heavens. This painting helps out a bit.

Dreams in Digital

This morning at 2am, I painted this, its from my digital drawing I did about a month ago. Came out better than I anticipated, I might go in later and fine tune it a bit but I think it’s done. I look at this drawing and I can hear the rain hitting the water and the grass, what a beautiful peaceful sound the rain makes.

2am painting

2am painting

iPad drawing

iPad drawing

More images of the marathon(w/o the watermarks).

I know I said I wouldn’t talk about the marathon unless I got in but I wanted to share a couple more images. I decided to buy the images from this year’s marathon, I kept thinking, do I really need pictures from my race? No, but it’s nice to have images without the watermarks. I’m a person that doesn’t like to brag, oh look at me I did a marathon. I’m not saying when people post their marathon accomplishment is bragging, they are proud of what they did, I wish I was more like that. Today, someone at work asked me did I run the marathon this year and surprisingly and I didn’t want to say anything and finally I said yes I did. It’s something I shouldn’t be embarrassed about but also I don’t like shining a light on myself. I don’t know why but I always feel ashamed of myself. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Putting new strings on a guitar

I remember growing up, I always thought you play the guitar until all the strings broke off, then you get a new one. Never knew you can buy new guitar strings, so young and dumb. 🤷🏽‍♂️
Every time I put new strings on my guitar, it always feels and looks like a new guitar. Someone asked me your putting new strings on your guitar, that doesn’t look like fun, well it is and it relaxes me. I’m glad I know how to put strings on a guitar, you be surprised how many guitarist don’t know how to put them on or even put them on right. Loads of trial and error and it helped that I worked at guitar store for a couple years. I’m glad i did this, definitely needed that to calm me down.

Old strings, I don’t know why I had green strings on the electric. Oh well. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Old strings, I don’t know why I had green strings on the electric. Oh well. 🤷🏽‍♂️

New strings, looks like a new guitar.

New strings, looks like a new guitar.

Outside view (digital drawing)

I’m pigeon holing myself by drawing Batman and Skeletor all the time. I love drawing other stuff like buildings and clouds. I should take some more art classes to broaden my horizons again.

Outside view of Chicago. Iphone and iPad lunchtime drawing.

Outside view of Chicago. Iphone and iPad lunchtime drawing.