Guitar Restoration # 3

Finally finished with my seven string, I have a love hate relationship with this guitar. I only bought this guitar because Korn and Wes Borland used a seven string, at the time it was expensive and it was the only one I can afford. It only took me fifteen years to figure out how to use it. Plus, this is the only way I’m able to get a custom guitar, if I do it myself.

Acoustic Spray Paint

I’m really happy how my acoustic guitar came out, I have another guitar in the works, just waiting for my pickups to come in to finish. I might spray paint another guitar but who knows.

Final Version

Old Design, this was the second time I drawn something out before I spray painted the guitar.

Spray Paint The World

I kept seeing these videos of spray paint art and I was wondering, can I do that and I did. I want to do a design on my next guitar rebuild and I think this will work out just fine, I hope. 🤞🏼

Guitar Restoration

I forgot I had this guitar that a coworker gave to me years ago. At the time I thought he wanted me to fix it up for his kid but he just wanted me to have it. It wasn’t in bad shape but I wanted to clean it up a bit. I bleached the pickguard and the screws, sanded the rust off the screws and added a new pickup, which I’m not good at setting the EMG’s up. Finally I sanded the dings to give the guitar a vintage look, surprisingly it sounds pretty good for kids basic guitar.

Painting Ideas

Trying to see what sticks for my next painting. I see the painting in my head but its not coming out the right way when I sketch it out. I even saw the sun peaking through the clouds today and I thought that would be a great painting.

Nine Years Ago (3-16-14)

I love this video of my nephew and I playing a cover song by Faith No More. I remember asking him can you learn this song and show me how to play it because at one point my band was going to play this as a cover and I wasn’t great at learning covers but I knew my nephew was. I wish I had more videos like this and I wish I would of asked Matthew to join my band sooner.

Flashback Friday (2017)

I didn’t forget about this drawing but I forgot I'm made a video for it. I like making timelapse videos of my drawings but I always forget to start recording as I start the creating process. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Look at this Photograph

I always hear Nickelback when I say look at this photograph, I don’t know why, Ha! Here’s something you don’t see used as much in this polaroid, a landline, VHS tapes, DVD’s, there’s probably one more thing but oh well. I remember I took this picture to show my art teacher what I can do because he didn’t have any faith in me that I can paint something so massive. After that art class I question if I should keep drawing but I’m happy that I still draw and paint to this day.

Cruel Melody Painting (2014)

Here’s an old painting that I never used. I think I was going to use it for my bands EP but that never happened. I decided to re-edit the video, used a new backing track and shorten the video from six minutes to forty five seconds. I’m glad I used a new guitar track to the clip, the acoustic track gives the video a different feel, more peaceful than creepy.

Eye Problem Solved

Fixed a couple of things with the floor painting. She didn’t like the eye closed and I was like ok, it’s your painting. I’m glad I went back to fix her eye and hair, it made a big difference. The more I look at the painting from last week, to me it looked more like Princess Leia.

Another Project Completed

I did another project for the woman I painted the mural for last year. This one took some time because I had to paint her entire office floor black. There’s a few thing I might have to tweak but I can finally say it’s done. I’m happy she allowed me do all this work for her.

Flashback of Jessica Rabbit

Here’s a drawing from November 2015 of Jessica Rabbit, you had a pretty good childhood if you remember her. This drawing was based off an artist called Mayumi Nose, she has a wonderful style. I think I posted this before but not with the video.

Old New Painting 2023

Using an old canvas to create something new. I know I painted this background a lot of late but I find it very peaceful, Zen like. Might fine tune it a bit but I think it is done.

Trying Something Out

I decided to use drywall compound on top of the canvas to paint. Normally you would load up the paintbrush with tons of paint and build it up but I was never good at doing so. I’m actually happy how it came out, it finally gave me the excuse to paint Frida. Amazing artist, she was ahead of her time. Painting with the compound was harder to do and I lost some features from Fridas face and hair.

I always do a rough before I tackle any drawing or painting.

Sketch Wallet Painting

I was happy to recreate this drawing from my old sketch wallet. I changed the background a bit and added an upper body to the lady. Now she’s not a floating head. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Sketch Wallet

My first attempt at the painting.

I smoothed it out in photoshop, I wanted to see how it would look digitally.